Tuesday, November 08, 2005


As I've mentioned here before, I am way too busy this semester to continuously update this thing. BUT, in the interest of maintaning some sort of entertaining content for those few people who have the misfortune of stumbling onto the link in my AIM profile. I have decided to start puting up quotes on the blog. These will come from wherever I see fit, and will be about whatever I want, with no predetermined theme or order. The only goal as currently defined will be one of making fun of Steven Perezelli as much as possible - who has recently made his coming-out-of-the-closet official and public, so do feel free to congratulate him on that whenever you see him. That took a lot of courage big guy.

Anyway, the historic first quotes of the day are as follows:

"Biology is destiny. There's no way in hell this guy would have been elected mayor of Scranton, much less leader of the free world, if he'd been born into a less exalted family."

Michelle Cottle
The New Republic

"Sociological and political factors have combined with the intellectual to ensure that Catholic lawyers continually dominate dominate the pool of Republican candidates for the [Supreme Court's] bench. For starters, there are so many of them. During the early twentieth century, law provided Catholics with an important vehicle for traveling into the middle class.While Catholics couldn’t enter top law schools, they could attend places like Fordham and Villanova.“There was a vast culture of Catholic DAs, lawyers, and judges,” says John McGreevy, the author of Catholicism and American Freedom. Even when discrimination against Catholics faded, the law’s prestige among white Catholics persisted."

Frank Foer
"Brain Trust" (An article about how Catholics are smarter than Evangelicals)
The New Republic


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