The Harriet And George Letters

Supreme Court Justices are (arguably) the most powerful people in the federal government, and its ok to be elitist about picking them. You may remember the Supreme Court as the branch of government that brought you such favorites as de-segregation, the right to privacy, and the ability not to have a baby at 17. When selecting a Supreme Court Justice you're looking for an Ivy League educated, wisdom oozing goddamn genius. Harriet Miers is not a genius.
Exhibit A: John Roberts attended Harvard, 2006 US News Ranking 1. Sandra Day O'Connor attended Stanford, 2006 US News Ranking 5, Harriet Miers attended Southern Methodist University (Law and Undergrad), 2006 US News Ranking 71.
Anyway, if the elitist US News college rankings aren't enough to convince you that Harriet Miers is a Bush-ass-sucking sycophant, then check out these recently released Birthday Cards and correspondence sent between her and George Bush. They absolutely reek of pathetic suck up. Additionally, not only do they reveal her to be a suck up, but careful analysis of the cards has confirmed that there is a good chance she is also a douche bag. (See comments like: "I hope your daughters know how 'cool' their parents are!") Really, look at the website, it's informative and hilarious.
While you're at the Smoking Gun Site, you may as well check out the testimony of the girl that Bill O'Reilly sexually harassed, he has some pretty off the wall sexual stuff going on.
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