Rich Heads Off To Canada

A firm congratulations to my brother Richard is in order. Rich just graduated from the little known Harvard University, and left yesterday to begin work as one of the Harvard University Committee on Human Rights Studies' Third Millenium Fellows. He is currently hanging out in Ottawa, Ontario, getting to know some of the people at the organization he will be working with, the Inuit Circumpolar Conference. Their website says that Rich will be participate in the research for and drafting of a petition to the Organization of American States calling for a declaration that the effects of anthropogenic climate change have violated the Inuit's cultural and environmental human rights, but I like to think that he's just going to live with the Eskimos. As if that wasn't enough to warrant a "congrats" his senior thesis has also recently won both a Hoopes Prize as well as the Laurance S. Rockefeller Thesis Prize. Above all, of course, Richard is also a former O'Malley & Langan intern. Congrats Rich on a solid couple of months. Good luck in Canada (and I'll see you in Stowe, VT this weekend.)
This blog needs some spice. Don't you have any personal opinions you can rant about? Why don't you talk about what you did July 4th Weekend and explain why New Jersey is the best state in America.
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