Personal Background
In the interesest of filling in some content on this site, and in order to make it look like a fuller, more finished product, I will here detail a little back ground information on myself (for lack of a better subject.) I am currently an Undergraduate student at Boston College, starting my senior year in the fall. I recently returned, however, from a nine month trip to England during which completed a year's study abroad at Oxford University, which was amazing to say the least.
I arrived in Oxford already interested in the law as I had spent one half of last summer working in the office of Northeastern Pennsylvania Congressman Paul Kanjorski, and the other half working in the Employment Law Office, also in Scranton. That interest was solidified in England by a course in Contract Law, taught by the brilliant but terrifying Professor Adrian Briggs. Since I've been back in the US working at O'Malley and Langan has proved a fascinating continuation in my experience with the law.

My name is Richard Powell; I am John Powell's older brother, and I served as an intern at O'Malley and Langan in a position similar to John's last summer.
I think that this blog looks very professional in it's state now, and would certainly add to the content element at O'Malley and Langan. One idea might be for the attornies at the firm to take turns posting a weekly legal content update, and this comment option would allow other lawyers at the firm to add additional thoughts on the subject. This would certainly enrich the legal content of the site, and provide a way for it to easily evolve outside of heavy involvement from the firm's web developer. It would likely also put the site in a more favorable position as it relates to the all-important spider-indexing programs used by the major internet search engines which determine a site's importance and legitimacy for browsers.
Kudos to John for setting up this initiative - I hope to see it on the O'Malley and Langan site soon.
Richard Powell
Third Millennium Fellow
Inuit Circumpolar Conference
O&L Alumni, 2004
Thank you, Richard, for providing us with an excellent example of how the comment button can be used to forward constructive criticism and dialogue. Best wishes with the Inuit Circumpolar Conference.
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